Online Reservation and Accountancy system

Reservation and Accountancy system

RAS and HMS - Reservation and Accountancy system and Hotel Management System
Online high effective ERP system that includes:
Customer database with detailed information about client, stays, used discounts, special clients, black lists;
Office accounting - local offices and global company accounting, profits, expenses. Invoice module;
Managed buildings and apartments database - full aparment management including costs for cleaning, electricity, repairs, internet, cable tv, appliances, apartment status. Online ability for owners to check the details of the aparments - profit, expenses and reservations;
Reservations - calendar of past, current and future reservations.
Transfers - automatically generation of customer transfer list, vehicle status and management;
Reception desk - rooms, reservations, accomodation, departure, client lists, rooming lists, cleaning, paid services, room service, address cars, invoices,
Access control and security - EBPW developed a dedicated hardware for accomodation management and security with RFID (wireless) cards. All room enterings (during the accomodation, cleaning, repairs and other) are monitored and and managed by the system. Any unauthorized access are repored to the security and logged by the system. The HMS system greatly improves the security of the customer and stops unreported accomodations by hotel personal.